Dad's Embroidered Shirt

Dad's Embroidered Shirt

When I think of embroidery, the first image that comes to my mind is a chambray shirt my Mom embroidered for my Dad.  My mind recalls it readily, covered with a collection of rollicking, colorful, cute, cartoonish images.  Each mushroom, flower, and leafy vine embroidered in sprays of bright colors and a vast array of stitches.  

The final product was special.  My Dad loved it and wore it all the time.  What I imagine is the time, care, and love my Mom put in embellishing that garment: deciding what design to put where; determining what colors to use and what stitch would be best.  She completed this work of art while taking care of us kids (there are four of us) and doing all that goes in to creating a home.  I am not sure how long it took her to complete it.  Until I started learning these skills, it seemed like magic.  Who am I kidding; it still feels magical to create something from jumbles of yarn and thread.  

Custom embroidery can be added to your design.  Part of what is so enjoyable about creating unique items is the chance to collaborate and create with others.  Please visit the Made to Order section to see the outcome of these opportunities.  If you don't see what you're looking for, please reach out.

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